Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Leadership or Advocacy Event Assignment

Leadership or Advocacy Event Assignment

Q EDEC 435 Leadership or Advocacy Event You will attend an event that includes leadership and/or advocacy efforts on behalf of young children. The purpose of this assignment is for you to see leadership and advocacy “in action” in the community. In other words you will observe leaders at this event looking for concepts we discussed in class. Ideas for appropriate events are posted on Canvas but you are welcome to find your own leadership/advocacy events to attend where you are able to see course concepts in action. After the event, you will write an evaluation of the event that incorporates at least four (4) key concepts from the course. Here are some questions to get you thinking about key concepts but you can write about any concepts we have discussed or that you read about. What specific advocacy or leadership concepts did you see in action at this event? What leadership styles did you see? What leadership qualities did you see in the leaders you observed? Did you see advocacy? What advocacy contexts or steps did you see? What type of decision making process did you observe? For example, one concept we covered was leadership qualities. You may have observed one or more of these during the event. Explain what you saw that told you this person had this quality & how does it relate readings or discussion. Your writing should state how what you saw relates to readings or discussions. State the concept you are focusing on and tell how it is connected to what you saw at the event. Your evaluation should be at least 500 words and this assignment is worth a possible 40 points. 40 points Evaluation of the event is thorough and focuses on leadership & advocacy Four or more applications of information from class material are evident Applications demonstrates clear understanding of concepts. College level writing skills are demonstrated by use of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout the writing. Essay/answer is written in the student's own words and demonstrates higher level/critical thinking. ------------------------------------------------------------ 32-39 Points Evaluation of the event focuses on leadership & advocacy Less than four applications of information from class material are evident and demonstrates some understanding. Applications demonstrates some understanding of concepts. College level writing skills are demonstrated by use of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation but a few errors exist. Essay/answer is written in the student's own words. ------------------------------------------------------------ 31 or less points One or more of these factors is evident: Evaluation is incomplete Applications of information from class material are not evident or are not relevant to course material. Applications do not demonstrate understanding of concepts. Essay is too short to address the question adequately or is too long and unfocused. College level writing skills are not demonstrated. There are too many spelling, grammar, and or punctuation errors. Essay information is copied directly from the readings or other materials. PreviousNext

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The event depicted Principle centered leadership; it was told that it was discovered by Mr.Covey, and this approach of leadership has its basis from servant leadership. One may encourage others by assisting individuals in realizing their possibilities by assisting themselves in viewing their surrounding environment clearly of principles. This is crucial in education because if We are focused and confident in our leadership qualities, then we can inspire people to fulfill their capabilities, so raising the society as a whole. This style is made up of personal morality and ethical consideration incorporation in the early developmental stage of children that is founded on a set of principles that corresponds to a specific perspective of life.